
黒谷和紙 黒谷和紙協同組合

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  1. 11名の職人が現在も手漉き和紙を守り続けている。寒ければ寒いほどよい紙が漉けるという。


Handmade Japanese paper dates from ancient times and it has been produced in various locations throughout the country. In Kyoto Prefecture, handmade paper is a specialty of Kurotani-chō, Ayabe-shi and Yatsushiro-chō, which are located in the mountains about an hour and a half by car from the center of Kyoto. Here the art of paper making, dyeing and processing, along with the harvesting of raw materials such as mulberry, continue to be carried out. Kurotani washi paper is highly prized for its durability, resistance to tearing and beautiful luster. Due to Kurotani’s proximity to Kyoto, this paper has long been used for kimono price tags, astringent paper, kimono and obi wrapping paper, and also for lanterns, Japanese umbrellas, wrapping paper and more. It has graced the sliding doors and screens (shoji and fusuma) in temples and shrines as well as the artworks of calligraphers such as Chikukei Miyamoto and the American painter Jasper Johns. In addition, Kurotani paper’s durability makes it an attractive material for tote bags, pouches and cushions, taking advantage of a sheen and texture which becomes even more attractive with use.

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  1. : 黒谷和紙は、ルーブル美術館をはじめとする世界中の美術館で修復用紙としても使用されている。
  2. : 茶席でペーパーナプキンのように使用する懐紙と型染めの懐紙入れ。
  3. : トートバッグ。布帛同様の丈夫さで、独特のシワとツヤが出る。
  4. : 懐紙。

(1,2,3,4,5 すべて黒谷和紙協同組合)

1: 11 craftsmen continue to produce handmade Japanese paper. It is said that the colder the paper is, the better it will be made. 2: Kurotani paper is also used as restoration paper at museums around the world, including the Louvre. 3: Kaishi paper (used like a paper napkin in the tea ceremony) with its pattern-dyed container. 4: Tote bag. The cloth is durable and has unique wrinkles and gloss. 5: Kaishi paper. (1,2,3,4,5 Kurotani Washi Cooperative)