
京たたみ 京都畳商工協同組合

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  1. 手織りの畳表は、ほんの少しの不揃いが独特の陰影を生み出す。


Although many aspects of Japanese culture were influenced by China, tatami mats are indigenous to Japan. The earliest tatami dates from the Nara era (8th century), then it acquired today’s thicker shape in the Heian era (late 8th century). During the Muromachi era (14th century), tatami mats gradually came to be spread across entire rooms. The patterns and material of tatami edges were determined by the status of the space and the social standing of its user. Tatami is particularly associated with Kyoto, capital until Meiji era (19th century), and the city with the greatest concentration of historic temples, shrines and the main schools of the tea ceremony. Although tatami production has become increasingly mechanized, the skilled craftsmen of Kyoto are protecting the traditional hand-made methods. Kyoto craftsmen have even revived the time-consuming yotsuwari-shitate technique which involves hand-sewing the middle of the tatami mat using only the most beautiful part of the raw material igusa (rushes). These precious mats are used in the tea houses of the Iemoto (Grand Masters). Tatamis have also been developed for floor heating, all the while maintaining their traditional beauty.

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  1. : 円座。畳表面の素材であるい草で編んだもの。
  2. : 畳は、縁の素材や文様によって、その空間や空間を使用する人の格や役割を表すシンボルでもある。写真は西陣織の高麗縁で、御座敷や床の間に使用される。

(1,2,3 すべて株式会社嵯峨藤本畳店)

1: The hand-woven tatamis’ slight misalignment create unique shadows. 2: Round seat. Woven with igusa, the raw material for the tatami. 3: The tatami edge symbolically changes material and pattern according to the character of the space and role of its user. The picture shows the Korai-beri edge of Nishijin woven fabric, which is used between the zashiki and the tokonoma. (1,2,3 Saga Fujimoto Tatami-ten)