
京人形 京人形商工業協同組合

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  1. それぞれの職人が手がけた部位を取りまとめ、着物の色合わせなどを考案して最終の仕上げをする着付師。


Kyo-dolls (ningyō, lit. "human form") are made under a highly specialized division of labor where each craftsman is responsible for a specific aspect of the doll. Types of doll vary, for example hina dolls are made for the Doll Festival (Hina-matsuri), while dolls dressed in armor and helmets are offered to children during the Tango Festival. Each hina doll craftsman works on his respective specialty (head, hair, limbs, accessories, etc.), then the doll is finished by the dressing master, who assembles it and adds a Nishijin fabric costume. Doll armor and helmets are also specialized: hundreds of intricate parts made by a sculptor, painter, foil stamper and tassel maker, then assembled by the armory master. These dolls are traditionally given to children, but in recent years, new styles have emerged for adults to purchase and admire as seasonal decorations or artworks. The origin of the Kyo-doll dates back to aristocratic children during the Heian period (8th to 12th centuries). In the latter half of the Edo period (18th to 19th centuries), the "Gosho doll", which depicts a cute, plump baby figure, was used as a gift from the court to various feudal lords. These traditions of doll making continue up to the present day.

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2,3. : 大人のための、単色の着物を着せたモダン雛。ホテルや店舗の季節を彩るアートとしても用いられている。

  1. : 五月人形の兜。

(1,2,3,4 すべて京都桂甫作安藤人形店)

1: A kimono master finishes the work by putting together the parts handled by each craftsman and devising the matching color of the kimono. 2,3: Modern hina wearing a single-colored kimono. It is also used as seasonal art decoration in hotels and stores. 4: Satsuki doll helmet. (1,2,3,4 Ando Ningyō-ten)

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(5,6,7,8,9 すべて京甲冑工房武久)

The golden horn-shaped ornament that extends from the forehead is called hoe. The designs depend on the military commander. (5,6,7,8,9 Kyo Kacchū Kōbō Bukyū)